He Ate My Freaking Document, Now What?
In this section of the blog, you will hear a TRUE taco story, but the last (real) part of the story has been eliminated, and YOU have to finish the story (however you like) in the comments, below!
“He who knows all the answers, has not been asked all the questions.” Confucius
One day a young man named Taco was asked to take a document to his client in the local jail for his signature. Taco's boss, a smart but evil woman, told him as he left: "Now remember, Taco, I don't care which of the two options your client selects, as long as he chooses at least one and so indicates with his signature. He may either check the box that says 'I accept the offer of 10 years in prison and wish to plead guilty," or he may check the box that says 'I decline the offer of 10 years in prison and wish to proceed to trial.' In this way we will have proof of his selection and will not have to worry that he might make a claim in the future that he was never advised of his options."
So Taco set off on foot for the jail, which was not very far away, the document dangling by his side. He was happy to be out of the office, truth be told, and was rather enjoying the life of a young lawyer. Upon his arrival he was placed in a small visitation room with his client on the other side of a thick piece of plexiglass. A small slit in the center permitted documents to be passed through. Taco greeted his client and politely inquired, "Do you still want a jury trial? If so, just sign where it says 'I decline the offer.'" But the client just looked at Taco. So Taco continued, "The choice is totally yours, but just choose one and sign. If you want a trial, I will fight hard for you." And then he waited. And waited. The client continued to stare straight ahead, and a slight smile made its way onto his face. Then, without a word of warning, he ate the document in its entirety, bite by bite, never once lowering his eyes, and swallowed with a gurgle.
It took a moment for Taco to wrap his head around what had just happened, but what was he to do? He thanked his client for not burping (at least), and he wandered back to the office, where his boss confronted him. "Where is the document?" she asked. "Well," Taco muttered, "he sort of ate it." The boss looked at Taco incredulously before turning to the office investigator and saying, "Just go get this simple thing done for him, since he obviously can't manage." She frowned at Taco and dismissed him. The investigator was noticeably irritated, too, as he had far more important things to do, but he had an assignment from the boss, and he aimed to get the job done quickly.
"Come on, you idiot," he snarled...
CAN YOU GUESS WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? We'd love to hear your creative ending to this TRUE story in the comments, below!